Planting Change
This academic year, we have enthusiastically launched our Environmental Committee, composed of families, staff and students with the goal of driving improvements in our school. As an ADEAC affiliated eco school this is particularly exciting for us! Over the past 6 months, we have implemented a safe composting system in our garden, adding to the vermicomposting program we started last year. All classrooms and the kitchen actively participate in this process by depositing organic waste daily, which has significantly reduced the school’s overall waste.
In December, we organized an event to create our Environmental Code of Conduct, a document that reflects our commitment to the environment. This code is displayed in a visible area of the playground, alongside our bulletin board, serving as a daily reminder to our entire school community.
Connecting with nature
As of this year, Children’s House students now go out to the garden every morning with the ecology teacher, working in small groups. Thanks to their dedication, this February we harvested some of the vegetables planted in September, such as broccoli, spinach, carrots, lettuce and kale. These fresh products go directly from our garden to the table, as they are delivered to the kitchen for consumption throughout the week.
Commitment to Water and the Albufera of Valencia
Soon, we will present our initiative as part of this year’s theme of action, which focuses on water conservation. As part of this commitment, we are organizing a Green Market to support the protection of the Albufera of Valencia, following the ecological disaster that occurred in October.