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Top 5 Montessori toys for your child - Valencia Montessori School

When it comes to choosing the right toys for our children, it is important to consider not only their level of entertainment, but also their ability to foster their cognitive and physical development. In this sense, Montessori toys have become increasingly popular in recent years, as they are designed to promote creativity, independence and exploration in children. In this article, we present the 5 best Montessori toys we recommend for your children.

The difference between Montessori toys and materials

It is important to differentiate between Montessori toys and Montessori materials, because although both are designed to foster children’s development, their approach is different. Montessori materials are specific educational tools used in the Montessori classroom to teach specific skills, such as reading, writing or math, while Montessori toys are designed to encourage creativity, independence and exploration in children in a more relaxed and playful environment.

Tower of rings

The tower of rings is a classic Montessori toy that helps children develop their hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills. This toy consists of a base with a stick in the center and rings of different sizes and colors that must be placed on the stick from largest to smallest. In addition to encouraging physical development, it also helps children learn skills such as sorting, order and size.

Building block game

Building blocks are another classic Montessori toy that has remained popular for decades. This set is ideal for fostering creativity and imagination in children, as they can build and create whatever they want with the blocks. It also helps improve their coordination, fine motor skills, and math and spatial skills.


The pegboard is a toy that consists of a board with holes and pegs that must be inserted into them. This toy helps develop hand-eye coordination, fine motor skills and concentration in children. In addition, it also teaches them skills such as sequencing and sorting.

Shape box

The shape box is a Montessori toy that consists of a box with holes of different shapes and blocks with the same shape that must be inserted into the corresponding holes. This toy helps children develop math and spatial skills, as well as hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills.

Memory Game

The memory game is a Montessori game that helps children develop memory and concentration skills. It consists of a series of cards that must be matched by matching pairs. In addition to encouraging memory, it also helps children learn skills such as sorting and pattern identification.

In short, Montessori toys are an excellent choice for fostering cognitive and physical development in our children. The ring tower, building block set, pegboard, shape box and memory game are just a few of the Montessori toys we recommend. Remember that toys should not only be fun, but also educational and stimulating for the development of our children.

The importance of toys in the Montessori Method

The choice of toys for your children should consider not only their entertainment, but also their ability to promote their cognitive and physical development. Montessori toys are increasingly popular because they promote creativity, independence and exploration. Among the best Montessori toys for your children we recommend some of the ones we have already mentioned, such as the ring tower or the building blocks game, but there are many more that can have a very positive impact on your children’s development.

These toys are excellent choices for developing skills such as hand-eye coordination, fine motor skills, math and spatial skills, concentration, memory, sequencing, sorting and pattern identification. In addition, they are fun and educational, which makes them a perfect choice for your children’s development.

In conclusion, Montessori toys play a fundamental role in the Montessori method, as they are designed to promote the integral development of children and enhance their autonomy, creativity and cognitive skills.

Montessori toys are characterized by being simple, functional and reality-based. They are designed to stimulate exploration and active learning, allowing children to experience and discover the world around them in a meaningful way.

These toys are designed to adapt to children’s developmental stages, offering appropriate challenges as they grow. From the first months of life, babies can enjoy sensory toys that stimulate their senses and encourage their motor development. As they grow, children can work with Montessori materials that allow them to develop skills such as hand-eye coordination, problem solving and concentration.

Montessori toys also promote imagination and creativity. Because they are simple and versatile, they allow children to use them in multiple ways, encouraging their divergent thinking and their ability to find creative solutions.

In addition, Montessori toys foster independence and self-discipline in children. Because they are designed to be manipulated by the children themselves, they give them the opportunity to make decisions, solve problems and explore at their own pace. This strengthens their self-confidence and their ability to learn autonomously.

In short, Montessori toys are powerful tools that complement and reinforce the principles of the Montessori method. By providing children with appropriate and stimulating materials, we are creating an environment conducive to their holistic development and enhancing their love of learning.